Automatic unit detection on import failure

Automatic unit detection on import failure
When opening a part saved in inches, Z-Suite detects this and asks if you want to automatically convert to mm. If I let Z-Suite do the conversion when opening the file it places the part half below and half above the platform and will only print the area above the platform. I don't see any way to correct this once the part is loaded.
If, however, I choose not to let Z-Suite automatically convert when opening and let it just load it in the original inch units I can then re-size to make the conversion after the fact and the part will sit on top of the platform and print just fine.
In the attached image the part on the left was converted automatically when opening and the part on the left was re-size after opening.

Hello there bobgerman.

We're aware of the issue and it's going to be fixed in the upcomming Z-suite update. However, you can solve it for now by simply clicking on Auto Arrange button in the left menu bar (second button starting from the bottom).

Best regards,


Hello there bobgerman.

We're aware of the issue and it's going to be fixed in the upcomming Z-suite update. However, you can solve it for now by simply clicking on Auto Arrange button in the left menu bar (second button starting from the bottom).

Best regards,


Auto arrange does not bring it up in Z. Only centers in X-Y..

Auto arrange does not bring it up in Z. Only centers in X-Y..

It should help in most of the cases and bring it up.

i found that auto arrange doesn't work.

when you bring it in file don't convert and then you scale it back to correct size it will be above z surface.