Led's under heated plate

Hi everyone,

There are a couple of surface mount led’s on the underside of the heated plate, can anyone tell me what they are for?

Out of all the prints I have done, I have only seen these led’s on once.

Should these lights be flashing all the time during printing?

What connects these lights? Have I got a dodgy connection?

It’s on solid during warm up and flashes rapidly when the plate is hot.

OK, thanks Andre.

Mine is not working then.

Do you know which connector functions this?

It should be the big one. Is it getting hot? Maybe you just have a bad LED?

It should be the big one. Is it getting hot? Maybe you just have a bad LED?

Yes, the plate is heating up.

There must be some connection issue, as I have seen the led’s on during one print.

I will have to investigate. 😁

Quick fix until the surface mount led's I have ordered arrive.

Top led track was broken, and bottom led had a bad solder joint.

Oh…didn’t realize there were two LEDs… I wonder why there are two needed?

Oh...didn't realize there were two LEDs.... I wonder why there are two needed?

Not sure?