No Longer Possible to Run Z-Suite

Whenever I try to run now, it downloads and launches the updater without asking me if I want to update. Anyone know how I can disable this behaviour so I can run

It does not happen on my Macs, talking about Windows?

Julia can you send me the setup file for

Sorry, I should have mentioned I'm running under Win 7.

Kostas, which setup file would that be and where is it? All of my Zortrax apps etc. are where they get installed at C:Program Files\Program Files (x86)\Zortrax\.




i meant the installation file but if you dont have it, just send me the executable only to check sth

i found a pc with it installed (w97 x64) but i cannot verify this behaviour. It starts, sees the update and prompts the user to do it or not. If i click on No then it normally enters z-suite

what you can do is put an advanced firewall outbound rule for the specific .exe to have all connections blocked  (before doing so, just unplug your network interface and check if you can normally open z-suite)

Julia, I just installed 9.6 and tried it. It does prompt to update or not. I did not install it in the default location. I created a Zortrax folder in Programs folder. Not the (x86) folder and installed it there. (Win 7)

Is it possible to turn off Wifi and then open 9.6? 

Sounds like a pain but may work until another option comes available.

Turning off wi-fi won't help, but I'll try disconnecting the ethernet cable :)

I tried putting the exe file into its own folder but it still goes to download without asking me if I want to upgrade. The system asks me if I want to allow the app to make changes - if I say yes it starts to download the update, and if I say no, the app quits.

in my case after creating the firewall rule it didnt ask at all, so you should give it a try

I tried putting the exe file into its own folder but it still goes to download without asking me if I want to upgrade. The system asks me if I want to allow the app to make changes - if I say yes it starts to download the update, and if I say no, the app quits.

Did you just move the exe file or did you do a fresh install to a new folder? I did a fresh install to new folder. Has two application files and one DAT file in new folder.

In Windows I've always installed the new versions and changed the location and folder name to the version number and made sure the shortcuts are installed with version numbers as part of the titles, always able to run any version I want and it does not ask to install newer versions since it already has them, only when a newer version is available online does it ask to update, I always say no and download the files myself then run the install as admin and make sure to change all the names (folders and files) to that version.


  whats the reason for wanting to run 9.6 z-suite.

 what works better for you?


  whats the reason for wanting to run 9.6 z-suite.

 what works better for you?

I seem to remember having better resolution for selecting pause points; I'm having trouble getting a pause point at a specific layer with 1.3.0. But I cannot verify this until I can launch again, lol.

I think you do but just to be sure : do you use arrows to select pause points ?

It is not possible anymore in 1.3.0 to use arrows to select pause point...

I also have a lot of Suites in the same folder, just rename current one before upgrading.

In my case asks for update and I can decline.

In 1.2.2 it's still possible

I am able to use the arrow keys in the "pause" function in the latest software, secret is to mouse click on the slider bar then the arrow keys work, you have to repeat the click after selecting a pause point with the button.

I'm on Windows, so if you are Mac.......... sorry.

Yes, as Drew says, the arrow keys work once you give the focus to the slider. My issue is that on a relatively small part, each integer "percentage" step is more than one layer, so I don't have layer-by-layer precision, which in this application I need. I think (but am not sure as I haven't had time to go back and check) that in 0096 you could step a layer at a time.

Yes, as Drew says, the arrow keys work once you give the focus to the slider. My issue is that on a relatively small part, each integer "percentage" step is more than one layer, so I don't have layer-by-layer precision, which in this application I need. I think (but am not sure as I haven't had time to go back and check) that in 0096 you could step a layer at a time.

I just checked for you on 1.2.2.. It does go layer by layer using arrow keys.. 1 inch square .050" thick. 10 layers. I could hit every one. Had to zoom in to see it though.. lol.. Stupid old eyes!! B)