Yeah they suck when they do things in China. I lost a Scrap Metal business in 2008 because of the Olympics in China. They shut down the ports and held all the Barges of Scrap Metal off shore. When they let the Barges in, it crashed the Market.
From 450 a ton to 100 a ton. I was stuck with 100 tons of scrap metal that I paid 300 a ton for and couldn't cash out for a profit. Sunk everything I had into the business to ride out the crash but it wasn't enough.
I lost everything cause of those Bastards!
So 17 days or more to wait for an order from China during an Event doesn't seem too far fetched.
Well if you are in the US, you should check with the 3 Resellers here to see if they have the parts you may want with better response times and support in your time zones. Octave is still suffering the Chinese new year effects however we do have a supply of parts, it may be different for the other two. We will have a stock of parts for sale soon as well as filament now that the west coast dock strikes are over (for the moment).