Another issue I would like to adress: With my own drawings, I never had luck with the 2.4 version and the shell modus. After "repairing" all internal structure is gone. So I am using the 1.13 version.
In the example below there are some beams that overtop the shell (fuselage section), because they will be glued into the next segment. Those beams are 5 millimeter longer than the shell. After slicing the walls of those 5mm overhang are inverted, means the walls go 1 perimeter inward.
So in order to get straight beams the last 5mm have to be drawn like this, with an offset of 1 perimeter:
After slicing I get the desired result:
All structure exceeding the length of the most outer shell reverses the orientation of its walls. Consequently, if one would draw a ring at this height outside of the beams, orientation will not change (yes, I tried it, works, but cannot be printed ;) )
And, Bjorn, am I right to assume that the parts missing in your structure are parts that are too thin to be reversed, i.e. thinner than 1,2mm?
Lets say, there is a beam, 5mm wide but only 0,5mm thick. Those 0,5mm thickness cannot be reversed, so Z-suite drops them. Just try to slice only the inner structure, without the fuselage section around, and I predict all inner structure will be there.
Ok, guess thats not an easy one, so one more post to make the issue clear:
I am talking only shell modus here.
Lets assume we draw a cylinder with 60mm diameter and 100mm height. Lets further assume that one perimeter, i.e. one pass with the extruder, results in a wall thickness of 0,6mm.
We slice and print the cylinder. If we measure the diameter on the outside, we find 60mm, if we measure the diameter on the inside, we find 58,8 mm.
Now we draw a second cylinder, 30mm diameter and 120mm height, and we place it inside the other cylinder with 60mm diameter and 100mm height.
We slice and print them.
We find the outer, bigger cylinder with the same dimensions as before.
But the smaller cylinder inside does not have 30mm diameter at its outside, but at its inside. The outer diameter is 31,2mm, because the orientation of its wall is reversed.
BUT: The orientation is only reversed as long as it is surrounded by the bigger cylinder, means for 100mm height. For the last 20mm, i.e. above the outer cylinder, Z-suite will take the wall of the inner cylinder again as an "outside" wall.
yes, in version 1.13 there is no repair process, that is why it can be used, with limations, for slicing the steadily growing number of parts of RC planes that come to the market. One only has to know what it does to walls as I described in my post, so it is possible to get along with one´s own design.
Unfortunately not with most files that are ready available on the net.
Version 2 is, according to my experience, completely unusable for this particular application. I am shure that inner features are interpreted correctly - so why are they skipped during slicing? ;)
Some time ago I posted this same problem in the beta forum.
The response was : your model is wrong.
I suggested that perhaps they could make the "repair" function an option so that it would still be possible to print models that are wrong but work fine with version1 software.
Some time ago I posted this same problem in the beta forum.
The response was : your model is wrong.
I suggested that perhaps they could make the "repair" function an option so that it would still be possible to print models that are wrong but work fine with version1 software.
I see your point. Let me check if it's possible to implement such option.