
Hey everyone,

I did some searching around the forums for talk about 3DProShare and from what I saw people seemed to like them. I wanted to post this though to share what seems to be like my never ending problems with them.

I placed my first order with them around March of this year. First order was for black and white ABS. This one went smoothly. No complaints so I figured I would keep ordering from them.

Next order was in early May I believe. After almost 2 weeks of waiting for the status to update to “shipping” I decided to give them a call. Turns out they went on vacation and the person/people they hired to fill shipments missed several orders. That kind of annoyed me since it’s not that hard to see what orders shipped and what have not.

I decided though since they have the best pricing I would give them another chance. This order I placed in early July. This is where it’s all been fun. I ordered a blue, android, white and black. Apparently the machine Zortrax uses to produce black broke so basically the whole world was out of black. Not a big deal, I understand stuff happens. On my first call about a week after ordering he told me this and said the shipment of black was in customs and he would have it early next week. So about a week later, last week of July, I get one package with the blue and android. I call up to see where the black and white is. Turns out it for held up in customs due to being such a large order of plastics. Again I understand, I’ve been running a reselling business since I was 15 and its happened. He said though it should only be another few days.

At this point though I’ve already bought a 3rd party filament that works decently and I’ve already lost the business I needed the black for anyway. So now mid August rolls around, I call him again to let him know that I’m moving and you can no longer ship my remaining package to the original address. I also ask just where it is, he said he wasn’t home to receive the shipment but would have it tomorrow. That kind of annoyed me. Your a business. Even if it’s just a one man show you got to be their for your business.

So I figure great, now I’ll finally have my material right? Nope. I call up last week and he sounds confused as to how my order hasn’t shipped and he assures me that it will be out the next day. I even double check to remind him I changed the shipping address.

I got a tracking number on Monday or Tuesday and was excited to finally have material again. Delivery was set for Friday. Friday rolls around, no package. Turns out it was still shipped to my old address. Now with the long weekend I will wait to Tuesday to contact him but this is ridiculous.

I just wanted to share this on the Zortrax forum to show Zortrax how their main US distributed is handling business. I am heavily regretting putting my trust in a close sourced setup with only 1 main US distributer. From what I understand 3DProShare is just one guy trying to fill what seems like a lot of shipments and might be a little over his head.

As for 3DProShare, if you come across this, I want to continue doing business with you because your pricing is good and I’ve been there trying to run my own online business. It can be tough but you need several improvements. Main one being your website and communication. Your website is in need of a lot of improvements such as a account page to track and manage orders and a better store page.

If you want I would love to talk with you about better ecommerce and help you set it up. There are much better options for shopping carts that are not expensive. I’ve tried several of them and have experience with them and it seems like you might need the help on the web side of things.

As for communication it really annoyed me that there was no communication of delays or issues until I called you. If your out of stock your website should display that. If your missing shipments you need a better system to manage that. The fact I had to call you every time is rediculous.

So I hope my next order goes better since you have the best pricing and I have no other option.

Josh R.

I've just gotten my Zortrax from 3DProShare and have not had any issues.  In fact, I've been really impressed with the customer service at 3DProShare.  They even took my call over the weekend and late at night.  I've hardly ever experienced such great customer service from any company.  3DProShare has been there to walk me through my 'newbie' issues as I try to learn how to use the settings for each given task, and gain a deeper understanding of 3D printing.  In terms of shipping, 3DProShare was able to get my printer to me quickly and helped me get up and running which was key for my business.  It makes me feel good to know they will be there to answer and help someone like me who is new and only a few days into the world of 3d printing.



Just buy from Octave.

Yes, just buy from the largest re-seller with the strongest knowledge base and the expert support staff to help, also they have great plastics you can use on your Z with the Z-temp add-on.

I run all plastics and have no fear of long downtime's if I break something (I rarely break something, just wind).

Yes, just buy from the largest re-seller with the strongest knowledge base and the expert support staff to help, also they have great plastics you can use on your Z with the Z-temp add-on.

I run all plastics and have no fear of long downtime's if I break something (I rarely break something, just wind).

Just to remind everyone using addons: We do not support any addons which have direct influence on the hardware (such as Z-Temp).

Customers using such addons have to keep mind the fact that they loose their warranty on the printer when they engage it with such changes.

Best regards,


Zortrax Team

Just to remind everyone using addons: We do not support any addons which have direct influence on the hardware (such as Z-Temp).

Customers using such addons have to keep mind the fact that they loose their warranty on the printer when they engage it with such changes.

Best regards,


Zortrax Team

I bought my machine through Octave and then found that you (Zortrax) do not offer warranty to the US customers so I have been on my own since the beginning, your constant cry of broken warranty falls on ears made deaf from the cries of WIFI and Direct connection to computers, materials issues (Zglass) and other promises made by Zortrax that were then retracted after purchase.

Just to remind everyone using addons: We do not support any addons which have direct influence on the hardware (such as Z-Temp).

Customers using such addons have to keep mind the fact that they loose their warranty on the printer when they engage it with such changes.

Best regards,


Zortrax Team

Makes no difference to me Chris, because you don't honor warranty in Australia anyway.

My Zortrax will have more add ons than a Christmas tree! Yeehaa!

Makes no difference to me Chris, because you don't honor warranty in Australia anyway.

My Zortrax will have more add ons than a Christmas tree! Yeehaa!

We should start a club!

Trade mods!

Oh, wait lets see how long before............3...2...1...


I bought my machine through Octave and then found that you (Zortrax) do not offer warranty to the US customers so I have been on my own since the beginning, your constant cry of broken warranty falls on ears made deaf from the cries of WIFI and Direct connection to computers, materials issues (Zglass) and other promises made by Zortrax that were then retracted after purchase.

Just wanted to let you know that you do actually have a warranty in the US. I spent some time on the phone today with 3DProShare and I was talking about that with them. Turns out any warranty servicing is done through the re-seller you bought it through. You send it to them to get repaired and if they can't fix it they send you a new one and mail your broken one to Poland to be taken care of.

I also want to add a few corrections to info that was previously posted. First being that I mention it was a one man show at 3DProShare, that was incorrect. They actually have a good number of employees and are rapidly growing. That was just the impression I got at the time from the little bit of communication I had with them.

Secondly I mentioned that the reason there was no more black ABS in stock was their machine for manufacturing broke. Apparently that was not correct either, it was what I thought I was told but oh well, just turns out there was a high demand for it the past two months.


Not sure if something went wrong but your message appears to be blank.

Just wanted to let you know that you do actually have a warranty in the US. I spent some time on the phone today with 3DProShare and I was talking about that with them. Turns out any warranty servicing is done through the re-seller you bought it through. You send it to them to get repaired and if they can't fix it they send you a new one and mail your broken one to Poland to be taken care of.

Yes, Zortrax will refer all warranty claims to your reseller. Make of that what you will.

Secondly I mentioned that the reason there was no more black ABS in stock was their machine for manufacturing broke. Apparently that was not correct either, it was what I thought I was told but oh well, just turns out there was a high demand for it the past two months.

Yes, I think we all know who caused the great Black ABS shortage of 2015.... we are looking at you David.

The warranty path back to Zortrax is a recent change, in the past the US re-sellers had to eat the cost of any problems they fixed no matter what the shipping or assembly damages that could be directly shown to come from the maker, every issue was pushed back at the re-sellers even obvious ones.

Some re-sellers where forced to cannibalize a new machine to fulfill warranty issues and then purchase replacement parts from Zortrax at full cost to return the corpse to life.

I've even had conversations were I was told I was out of the newer warranty path agreement due to my purchase date preceding it.