Bad surface quality

The surface quality is really bad for this print, does anyone could give some suggestions on the problem?
The Z-Suite is and firmware is 2.6.6, M300 Dual.


Could you send me the zprojx and zcodex of the model?

Best Regards


Here are the files. Thanks!

kidney 0.5.zprojx (159.2 KB)
kidney 0.5.zcodex2 (151.3 KB)

Did you notice if your extruder bearing skips when loading/printing?

You could for sure try performing the extruder maintenance.

When was the last time you replaced the hotend module it could possibly be a problem with heating or extruder cable.

Do you have issues with other models/materials?

Best Regards


Thanks for the reply. The hotend module has never been changed. This machine just work for 500h.
No issues with models are found.


You can try printing the ribbon test and send me the results.

But please position the models as on the photo.

Best Regards


Sorry about this late reply. Here are the pictures.



Sorry for late reply.

I think this could be a problem with your hotend module.

Please check if the screws that secure the heater and thermocouple are tightened (in both hotends).

Also please check if your material didn’t get damp, does it make noise when being loaded?

Black materials tend to shorten the life of the hotends.

Also please check if your fan shrouds and fans are working properly.

Best Regards


Here comes a late reply. The problem is in the clogged nozzle. After changing a new one, the printing quality is good.

Thanks for the help.

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