BASF ABS Fusion+

As a dedicated Z-Ultrat user I am having to make the transition and have tried BASF ABS Fusion + with the Beta test version of Z-Suite.

To give it best chance …
Replaced hot end nozzle, print head heater cable, both shrouds and noisey top fan. Tightened the XY belts, cleaned and lubricated axis with silicon. Cleaned hot plate with acetone.

Very very pleased with the results from the first attempt and set it on an 8 hour overnight run with no problems and a near perfect result. Best prices from 123-3D.

now to find a decent nylon that wont brake the bank.

Hey, we’re thrilled that Zortrax is helping you achieve your goals. Please take a look at the range of our filaments in our store. Remember that our filaments are specifically designed for our printers. Cheaper filaments often have issues with moisture, proper diameter consistency, and are frequently made from mixed granulates, which don’t always provide the desired properties of the material after printing.

We encourage you to test our filaments and compare them with the competition. The difference will be noticeable immediately. Keep in mind that a cheaper filament doesn’t necessarily mean cheaper prints—it’s about failed prints and other factors. Let us know how it goes!

Hi Kicin

Filament is only one part of the story, when can we get spare parts like Top fans?
I used my last one on this and ordered and paid for 2 from 3Dexpert but they just refunded my payment without a reason. Who made these fans perhaps we can get them direct if you are no longer supplying spares?

I will check this information for you and try to help. Best regards.

It would be much appreciated, i have a m200 with 7300 hours, always lubricated with silicon and only ever needed to change the consumables, still on original belts.

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do you have stoxk of Z-Ultrat?

Yes , we have. You check on the store , Please.