Just saw a recent video tutorial on turning a photo into a 3d image. Having a bit of issue with the still file loading in Zsuite but thats because of the complexity of the file I guess.
If anyone uses blender and doesn't know, watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fe2zxcKSic&spfreload=10
Heres my test on a drawing a rose that I am waiting on my artist to finish one of my logos.
Thanks Guest. I used Shapeways 2d to 3d online program before but I am happy I can do it all on my computer ow and don't have to depend on another service to do it. lol
The best and most full-featured software for this that I'm aware of is PhotoToMesh from Ransen. The author is very responsive and updates the program pretty often.
This http://geisel.ba-bautzen.de/bmp2iges.htm is also free. An output file of ~200mb is not unusual. I run it through netfabb before zsuite, as the program exports it as ASCII stl.
The pics below is what I was going for in Blender. Took some work cause after it is made 3D then deleting the plane is the tedious part.
Now I still have some issues to print it as not all pieces are connected nor have I figured out how to intersect two pieces and print them as a solid. It seems the slicer program picks one or the other intersections to be the dominant one. Of course that is a user issue, lol, as I am still a Novice.
Just wanted a cool looking Logo for the company. I think the multi color lettering.