change filament extrusion problem

am i the only one that has noticed erratic extrusion behaviour when changing filament at pauses? i have seen huge over extrusion while travelling towards the corner (5-10cm) and huge retraction just while resuming print after the regular unload/load routine...

Yes, I've seen the huge retraction when resuming, it's insane - there is no way you can successfully pause and resume with this behavior. F/w 008 did not do this, 1.02 does it every time I think. The 1.0.3 change log (which is not very helpful because it contains information from previous revisions) does mention pause resume behavior being fixed, but it's non-specific about what was actually changed/fixed, and I haven't tested it yet.

F/W 008 also had a nice nozzle-prime step before resuming, which for some reason was removed in 1.x.

you are right, it is now fixed... and the nozzle prime step is back as well :)

i only wonder when they will fix this $#&$@%^ seam...