Confirm STOP or PAUSE via Z-suite printer control

The problem
In Z-suite, the physical onscreen positions of the pause button (when the printer is online) and the reconnect button (when the printer is offline) are the same. Waking a computer from sleep to check on a print, the network is often offline or still in the process of connecting. There may also be a delay for Z-Suite to auto-reconnect, making the user intend to click the manual reconnect button. However, if a successful auto-reconnection is done just before the user clicks on reconnect, the button layout changes instantly, making the user click the pause button by mistake. An unintended pause can have unwanted consequences, such as unnecessary layer defects, reduced strength, and he need to go and manually restart the print (esp. annoying late at night if you only wanted to quickly check on a print).

The solution
Please add a confirmation popup, so that you have to click “Yes”, “I really want to pause or stop” before it actually does so. Additionally make it so that all the buttons for printer control are always visible and never change the physical on-screen button layout. If the printer is offline, the “unavailable” buttons should just be greyed out.

Bonus solution
Please can we have a quick resume button in Z-Suite with a pop-up warning to ignore the “remove access material from nozzle” action (or ideally offer a self-wipe on the cooling tower/exposed support or in a back corner of the printer bed if a collision with the existing part can be avoided). The latter would also make it possible to have an “auto-resume” function, which would be very useful for power outages or tripped mains.