a 3D creature sculpt I did and printed with the Zortrax M200. really happy with the outcome!
nice print
Did it print the hairs too???? :P Looks AWESOME!!!
thanks guys!
Rafal: Yes, I'll paint it!
here's the painted version! Thanks for looking!
Great job, nice work on the eyes!
Thanks Andreas! clear nail polish is the secret!
Lol don’t let your wife catch you 😉
another sculpt I did using 3D-coat, I want to start making designer toys. can't wait to nail down a good workflow.
Thanks for looking!
another 3D sculpt I did. having tons of fun with my Zortrax!.
Super RichD !!
Impressive prints!
What is the workflow to convert the meshes into solids? I've been trying a few different options to find out one that doesn't loose details.
Impressive prints!
What is the workflow to convert the meshes into solids? I've been trying a few different options to find out one that doesn't loose details.
Thanks Flimay2k!
I don't really do anything special. I use 3D-Coat to sculpt and export the files as STL from the program. maybe try different 3D packages that export STL's and maybe see how it handles the mesh when you print them?
Thanks! I do mostly architectural modeling and I am finding out that I always need to do some rework in the meshes modeled. Every slicer handles the SLT files a little different.
Thanks! I do mostly architectural modeling and I am finding out that I always need to do some rework in the meshes modeled. Every slicer handles the SLT files a little diffah,
Ah, would love to see some of your prints!
RichD, I have used 3dCoat before, but it gave me plenty of runtime errors so I do not use it anymore.
There is an stable version now?
RichD, I have used 3dCoat before, but it gave me plenty of runtime errors so I do not use it anymore.
There is an stable version now?
3D-Coat is great. I just started using it last year and I have to say, that its pretty awesome. not sure what version you used, but I'm sure it way different now since you last used it.
I'm a concept artist for Star Citizen, and they have this inside joke thing about this space crab, so I decided to design my own version of it.