Different support on similar parts with same settings.

The photo below shows two almost identical parts (the lion head on one is shrunk down, whereas on the other it goes to the edges of the back ring).

They are both set at the same angle with the same degrees of support, but the way Z-Suite slices them is significantly different.

What could the issue here be?


Are they two different models??


They are two different models. The one on right has a larger lion head sitting on the platform, whereas the one on the left has a smaller one. The round platforms are identical. I understand the additional support on the actual lion head as it's larger and sticks out a bit outside the platform, but what's up with all the support under the platform?

Are you 100% sure that is exactly the same angle of inclination on both models?

yes, identical angles.

It does seem odd but I can say I have seen it before, however there should be no issues with the final product though.

It does seem odd but I can say I have seen it before, however there should be no issues with the final product though.

There are issues because of the support material being printed on the face of the lion which should not need any support material on it. The support on the back is also unnecessarily large. Since this is a prototype part that needs to snap onto another part, the additional support on the back makes this not possible, and each part requires additional finishing.

Doesn't really make sense to me how the same angle requires different levels of support :S