Hi my m200plus is showing at start : error 2.1 hotend critical issue. the hot end looks in perfect condition, a screw wasn t in place. i update to the last firmware 7,1 but it doesn t work. at first the error message was 2.4 i think.
what can i do ? thank you
The error (2:1) tells that temperature read from the sensor exceeds usual range of operation (it’s impossibly high or low). It usually indicates problem with the hotend’s thermocouple or any connection of it to the MCU on the motherboard.
The error 2:4 tells that temperature of the hotend didn’t rise during heating so it is related.
Please check this post as it seems to cover similar issue.
Thank you! i found my problem. It was the ribbon cable on the top of the extruder who was detached.
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I’m glad it was that simple and you were able to fix it!