Error #22 after Firmware Update to 2.6.9

usually I skip updates as long as possible (if the system performs). But this time I was in a risky mood and accepted to update and here it is: M200+ is brain dead.

After the update to 2.6.9 I get #22. I tried to load 2.6.7 again, I get #8 displayed. Back to 2.6.9 #22,
down to 2.6.0 #8,… nothing works anymore.

Any suggestions or magic tricks?

Thank you.


thank you for filling in the support form. Our support agent already replied to your ticket - please follow provided instructions.

Thank you.

Best regards

@KarolinaZ , I need to know the answer because I am facing the same problem. Why the support agent doesnt answer in public mode.

Hello Ahmed,

errors #8 and #22 can indicate the motherboard’s malfunction. If reverting to some previous firmware versions does not work - it is cucial to check the connections, remove the signal adapter (so the motherboard is connected directly to Android), reattach the LCD display through. Check if the same error occurs when you turn the printer on with the USB/Wi-Fi dongle removed. If you need a new motherboard - you need to contact us directly via support form anyway as this is a service part.

Best regards

This did not help at all. Fun fact, it is just a loose contact between the cable sockets of motherboard and/or control board. I simply soldered the cable directly onto the PCB’s and now it works like on the first day!

Best S