I ve this problème. Can you help me ?
When exactly does the error occur? Are you able to run any print? If not - please, ignore the precise extruder homing (settings -> working options -> precise extruder homing -> off). Is there any improvement then?
Please, check if the endstop are properly connected. Also, I would suggest starting with the axes maintenance - refer to the manual. Lubricate the rods, check if the belts are tense (remember about the X/Y motors) etc.
Moreover - update the printer to 2.2.3 firmware.
If the problem persists - please, contact us via support form. We will provide you with further help.
Best regards,
Avez-vous réglé ce problème?
Je viens de recevoir cette machine et j’ai exactement le même problème dès que la machine tente de faire un homing.
toute information est la bienvenue car notre production est bloquée à cause de ça.
Merci pour votre aide
Bonjour j’ai juste eu un changé les butées X et Y ça ne vaut pas très cher et ça a Résolu tout les soucis
merci je vas tester ça rapidement !
Hi @bold,
Please, check if the endstop are properly connected. Also, I would suggest starting with the axes maintenance - refer to the manual. Lubricate the rods (with silicone oil), check if the belts are tense (remember about the X/Y motors).
If the problem still persists - please, contact the reseller from whom you purchased the device, or our support team directly via support form. We will provide you with further help.
Best regards,
I meet same issue but with different number : Error 6.5 : Endstop Y: homing Failure when I execute the axes checking.
I update the fimrware to 2.5.11, add lubricant, checked if the endstop is properly connected and followed the procedure about axes maintenance with jigs, (there is 1 mm space in one corner that I didn’t manage to reduce…),
During the axes check process, I heard the endstop click but also heard the motor try to force to move further in same direction.
Do you have any idea?
Hi @fablab,
as the jigs are not touching the axes - there still must be some misalignment. Please, follow the troubleshooting manuals and check everything very carefully once again. If there is still no improvement - send us some pictures and videos that illustrate the problem via support form, so we can look further into the matter.
Best regards,
Hi Karolina, I followed all the troubleshouting manuals concerning axes and the issue is still there. How can we correct the misalignement observed with the jigs? I still have wrapping on prints.
Hi @fablab,
I am sorry to hear the problem has not been resolved. Please, contact us via Support Form as requested, attach some pictures and videos that illustrate the problem. We will consult the case with our technicians.