Error 55 Endstop X Homing Failure

We have had over 3 months of issues with our M300 plus printer and have sent it back to the store for repairs several times.

At random times during a print and sometimes this doesn’t happen at all the X axis will erratically vibrate and shift towards the left or right and continue printing, often afterwards we will get a homing error because the printer thinks it is printing normally and when finishing the print it tries to return home

we have performed all axes maintenance
we have lubricated the rails and checked the belt tension and tested the resistance of the extruding head
we have even replaced the motherboard
we have swapped x axis motors with y axis motors
we have swapped motor cables

All of the above does not solve the problem.
is anyone having similar issues?


I am really sorry to hear about the issues you are facing. I believe that after swapping the X and Y motor the layers still shifted in the same direction, right? Please, record some videos (axes check, extruder’s movement when the printer is turned off) and send them to us via support form. Also, please specify what kind of repairs were carried out by your reseller. We will do our best to provide further assistance.

Best regards,

Hi Karolina,

We have recently rebuilt the entire printer with new parts and seems to be working now. We have no idea what the problem was, but cables, motors and even motherboard has now been replaced.

Honestly we have spent so much money on this printer to fix this and it had only printed for 250 hours until we started having issues.

very surprising.

Thanks for reaching out

Hello, are you still in the clear?
We just received the printer and after 80h of good printing it will not work anymore because each time it homes this message pops up…
If you have advice to give we are eager to hear it, our production is stuck.


Wipe down the rails an re-lubricate them with the lubricant you got with the printer.

If that doesn’t work it could be electrical like it was for me.

Stepper motors don’t cope handle with higher loads. If a spot on the rail is dry or has dust on it, it will skip a step or multiple steps and will cause this error.

Let me know how you go.

I get error 65 for Endstop Y homing failure.

The weird bit is, the head comes to a stop before it is even in position to touch the end stop. The head still has to move a cm or so. The printer flashes red and stops dead. I have to switch off and move the head into home manually. If I am lucky, this only happens at the end of a print whilst homing (print job is done). Worst case it gives me a layer shift in my part, 2 days into a large print.

Lubrication before and during a long print seems to help, but is a hassle. Also it is risky to apply additional oil during a print (but sometimes I risk it, as pausing it would cause a layer line or worse trigger the end stop error).

I have check the belts and end stop screws (on the outside of the chassis). Printer is still relatively new at 550 hours.

Hi Cobus,

the error occurs as the extruder does not reach the endstop in a given time, as most likely there is resistance while moving the extruder. Make sure the rods are lubricated with silicone oil, you can also clean them with IPA first. The printer has done over 500 hours, so maintenance is required - please refer to the guide. Carry out the axes maintenance once again, but if this does not resolve the problem - send us some videos via support form, or contact the Reseller from whom you purchased the printer.

Best regards,


We have a similar issue with out M300 Plus.

We have never had major issues with it, but just recently it started to have the x homing error when running axes maintenance.

We cleaned the rails, lubricated with grease from starter kit, checked the end stop switches, loosened/tightened the rail screws, basically all recommended maintenance from the support site.

The printer will start up, saying it needs maintenance, we will run axes maintenance first. It starts normally, moves to front left corner. Then, it will back up a bit and re-enter the corner, triggering the switches. This repeats a few times, depending, but always ends with making several loud clicks as it attempts to keep going and then locks down, red light, 5.5 error.

Is there any other advice we could get? I assume we need to move on to trying to replace electrical systems, but can someone suggest the best order? We would like to avoid replacing all the part if the are not a problem.


please try switching the endstops X with Y to see if the error will change, if it does I think you would need to replace it.

Best Regards

Thanks for the advice @Pawel_Zortrax
We tried this, no change. We confirmed by voltmeter that the switches are functioning. We also verified that the connections are properly seated.

Do you have some other advice on how to proceed?

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-12-14 083901

I loosened the grub screws in the shaft bearings and the problem was solved.

We had the same problem, tried a lot of things such as firmware update, axis maintenance. Eventually it turned out to be that the belt tension on the X-axis was too tight.

We loosened it and the problem was solved.
So dont overtension the belts!