Nylon+Carbon from Eumaker works fine with External Materials PCABS, Temp. 240°, extrusion speed -50, print speed +40 for 0,19 layer, and +50 for 0,14 layer.
Retract 2, retract speed 40mm/s.
Material sticks extremly well to the Perforated Plate V2, actually it glues to it. If somebody has the older metal Version V1, its easier to remove from that one.
Cooling fans off, except maybe for some really small objects. Print temp can be increased for large models, I tried also 244° and works fine. If the print is brittle and layer bonding bad, temp is too low. Warping is low, about the same as Z-PETG.
no I did not try to modify the first layer, since I use the 1. 12 version of Z-suite cause it does not "repair" my artistic shell drawings of wing sections etc., meaning all inner structure disappears ;)
But this first layer feature will certainly help.
Thanks for all the links. Next material I will try is the PETG +carbon from optimus. Its the lightest PETG I found so far, should have no warp, and is glueable.
There is also a super filament : pc-max of Polymax : I tried it.
Very light pieces, very rigid and impossible to break.
PC-Max is from Polymaker actually and PolyMax is their PLA version of a rigid filament.
I printed both and both are breakable since almost every 3D print on a non industrial machine is easy breakable.
What's good with PC-Max is it's high temp durability combined with the rigidness, I used it to print O rings to fix bearings inside an extruder housing.