Flex Filament!!

Hi people,

I’m very satisfied with my M200, but i’m needing to print some Flex materials, what do you advise to buy for the Flex materials?

I’m looking into the BQ Witbox or the Ultimaker 2, anyone have experienced this machines?

Thanks & Best Regards.


M200 + Z-Temp gave decent results with Zen Toolworks flexible filament (http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00R8ZL59A/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1454304845&sr=8-1&pi=SX200_QL40&keywords=Zen+toolworks+flexible&dpPl=1&dpID=41bzh2-3tVL&ref=plSrch). Raft removal is a problem though.

What Prof 3Dprinters are able to print rubber.

someone told me the Objet printers can do this.

But a friend of mine told me they can only print semi flexible parts and they are not useable for real world parts.

Anyway just maybe someone did have some great results printing it on the zortrax and is willing to share his results here.

So ahmed if you are able to show the part you printed on the zortrax it would be appreciated a lot

Flex is still under development. Since we dont want to release a product that is not fully ready and not exactly meets our expectations, exact release date cannot be given now. 

ps. Just to remind you, using Z-Temp (or any other mods that interfere with Hardware) affects of losing warranty, period. 

Flex is still under development. Since we dont want to release a product that is not fully ready and not exactly meets our expectations, exact release date cannot be given now. 

ps. Just to remind you, using Z-Temp (or any other mods that interfere with Hardware) affects of losing warranty, period. 

Hi Marcin, we have previews for this year?

I will not make any modifications, i want a feedback from people who owns other printers with good results in flex filaments.

Thanks & Best Regards.


Hello Marcin!

So how is the development of "Z-Flex" going, do you have any news about the flex material? Is there any pictures or videos that you can show?

I like to test it as soon it's possible!  :)