Need some help, probably i'm doing something wrong.
I installed Fusion360 and giving it a try and followed their tutorial for creating a lampshade. That worked out fine and i had created my own lampshade.
I than loaded the stl into z-suite, still the model looks good but after it had generated the z-code the model intersections became holes. (see the attached pictures)
As far as i know i followed the tutorial exactly.
Am i missing something? If anyone has an idea what i'm doing wrong please let me know.
Right click on your model in the Browser in Fusion 360 and select "Share Public Link" turn on "Allow item to be downloaded" and send me the web link. If you password protect I will need this too. This will allow me to take a look at your Fusion360 file. It may be that the cross hatches are not combined but need to confirm this.
It was a simple enough fix. My diagnosis was correct, you just needed to combine your elements. I selected all the cross hatches and performed a combine function whilst creating a new component. I then combined the upper and lower part of the lamp to the cross hatches forming another new component. This way all your original work remains intact.
Just saving the Fusion file for you....... standby please..... ;)
See attached for your version of the Zortrax Slicing and picture of my lampshade in our room.
It was a simple enough fix. My diagnosis was correct, you just needed to combine your elements. I selected all the cross hatches and performed a combine function whilst creating a new component. I then combined the upper and lower part of the lamp to the cross hatches forming another new component. This way all your original work remains intact.
Just saving the Fusion file for you....... standby please..... ;)
See attached for your version of the Zortrax Slicing and picture of my lampshade in our room.
I went thru the whole tutorial again to see if I missed the combine part, it is not in the tutorial. It seems that not all slicer programs need the parts combined but Z-Suite definitely needs it.
Correct.. I had somehow copied one of my models in the same spot. In the cad software it appeared to be one single part. (it was 2 separate solids consuming the same space) Saved as STL like this. When I opened it in Z-suite, there was my one part. When I hit print, nothing showed up. It doesn't like having two separate solids in the same space. It will delete that area.
You should also combine all 3 pieces into one solid. He left the top and bottom as separate parts. It will print this way but you might see that layer because it will think there is a top and bottom to print together.