Guess I will also sell the M200

deleted becuase it could be offending... nobody is interested in honest opinions anymore...

The attached stl has been sliced for over 10 minutes now... 82% done... ridiculous

It took a little over 2 minutes to slice in ZSuite 0.9.6 at 0.09mm resolution and printed just as it loaded.

I don't think there is a cause for being rude and insulting. Tell about your printer problems in a polite manner or keep them to yourself.

Best regards

John Tangerås

As with the other "base" model, slicing it lying flat takes much longer than slicing it upright.

This hints that the area per layer is more expensive performance wise than the number of layers.

Probably the more complex the layer shape is, the bigger is the impact of layer size.

So I would assume that reducing the geometry detail would help.

Anyway, I guess a fair part of the much better performance of S3D is based on a native implementation versus ".NET".

There is also quite some garbage collection going on.

Still, the extremely high performance difference between S3D and Z-Suite hints towards some algorithmic issue or at least optimization possibilities.

This being said, I personally can live with the current slicing times and I'd rather see efforts to improve dimensional accuracy.

I don't think there is a cause for being rude and insulting. Tell about your printer problems in a polite manner or keep them to yourself.

Best regards

John Tangerås

I'm absolutely not rude just honest! Your contribution to this post doesn't help at all papa... I don't need education but a working 3D printer with acceptable software...

It took a little over 2 minutes to slice in ZSuite 0.9.6 at 0.09mm resolution and printed just as it loaded.

You think it is good thing that users have to travel back in time and pick some older version to get happy???

deleted becuase it could be offending... nobody is interested in honest opinions anymore...

That simply sin't true.

If you structured this thread as a problem you have and asked for a discussion on the solution no one would bat an eyelid.

Complaining and saying you are going to sell your printer is 'Throwing your toys out of the pram' it isn't constructive and it irks people. Have a look round the rest of the forum and you will find countless threads of people asking reasonable questions and getting answers.

If at the end of everything you have no solution and get no help then selling your printer is your own choice and something you have no need to parade about in topics to point out your dissatisfaction. 

Marcin usually does a fantastic job at getting back to people on a Monday. This forum goes quiet over the weekend as we all take a break. 

No need to F and blind as its the Lowest form of communication.

I didn't say "fuck you" or something... I used the F word just to emphasize how extremely not state of the art Z-suite is. Btw. I don't need education... but thanks Andy.

Marcin does answer and I appreciate it. But sometimes he doesn't follow up (if he has no answers).


I just want to be f****g honest. I'm not a fanboy. I paid 6000 bucks for my M300 and my M200 and my expectations is: They should work. 

I've been with them for 2 month now and my past agenda is filled with hours and hours of troubleshooting. Software, hardware, unlevel bed, broken hotend, clickling extruder, rattling bearing, warping material (with the label "does not shrink") etc... so you can come up with a little compassion for me for useing the F- word ;)

But really no bad feelings. I still believe in the Zortrax machines. I'm just sure if certain things (hard- and software (fw and z-suite)) would be changed it could bring them really to the top of 3D printers.

But perhaps I was just unlucky with my examples...

I'm in contact with support now concerning the rattling bearings. Hope I will get a replacement for my M200 (which has 28738212334 working hours but I guess that's a firmware bug too ;))

You think it is good thing that users have to travel back in time and pick some older version to get happy???

It's become obvious that you have an attitude problem and that it is a waste of time to try and help you.

It's become obvious that you have an attitude problem and that it is a waste of time to try and help you.

No Henry THAT has definitely not become obvious... I actually only have a 3D printer problem... but thanks for your worthless comments in this thread. Much appreciated.

I can admit that Z-SUITE is not Speed Demon but its still being developed. Rebuilding slicer takes time, sooner rather than later we are going to write new one. I'm also pretty aware how Z-Suite does comparing to S3D (for example), but speed isnt everything. 

Simple model, some triangles manually removed: 





Cool Marcin... but I don't need a 3D Model repair tool but a slicer... effort put in the wrong place in my opinion.