HMF ASA MP - Scars on top surface


After great printing results with HMF ABS ST, I decided to give a shot to ASA MP.
ASA MP has mat finish and feels more flexible than ABS ST.

Supports from ASA MP comes of wayyy easier than from ABS ST

The only problem are scars on top surface when printing with ASA MP (there are no scars with ABS ST)

I have tried to play with retraction and retraction speed but I don’t think that there is any difference in top’s surface quality.

First print

Estimated print time: 7h 20m
Material usage: 27.97m (67g)
Printer: Zortrax M200
Profile: Last settings
Support type: Automatic
Support: 20°
Material: ABS-based filament
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
Layer: 0.19 mm
Quality: Default
Infill: 60%
Fan speed: 0%
Seam: Normal
Outer contours: 0.00
Holes: 0.00
Surface layers Top: 6
Surface layers Bottom: 3
Support Lite: Yes
Smart bridges: Yes
Support offset: No
First layer Density: 100%
First layer Print speed: 100%
First layer Flow ratio: 100%
First layer gap: 0.26 mm
Raft Enabled: Yes
Raft layers: 6
Platform-raft gap: 0.21 mm
Raft Density: 100%
Raft Print speed: 100%
Raft Flow ratio: 100%
Print speed: +0%
Extruder flow ratio: +0%
Top layer infill (%): 100
Bottom layer infill (%): 100
Extrusion temp.: 250
Platform temp.: 100
Retraction speed: 45
Retraction distance: 1.2
Support Density: 4.00 mm
Gap XY: 0.31

Second print

Estimated print time: 7h 20m
Material usage: 27.95m (67g)
Printer: Zortrax M200
Profile: Last settings
Support type: Automatic
Support: 20°
Material: ABS-based filament
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
Layer: 0.19 mm
Quality: Default
Infill: 60%
Fan speed: 0%
Seam: Normal
Outer contours: 0.00
Holes: 0.00
Surface layers Top: 6
Surface layers Bottom: 3
Support Lite: Yes
Smart bridges: Yes
Support offset: No
First layer Density: 100%
First layer Print speed: 100%
First layer Flow ratio: 100%
First layer gap: 0.26 mm
Raft Enabled: Yes
Raft layers: 6
Platform-raft gap: 0.21 mm
Raft Density: 100%
Raft Print speed: 100%
Raft Flow ratio: 100%
Print speed: +0%
Extruder flow ratio: +0%
Top layer infill (%): 100
Bottom layer infill (%): 100
Extrusion temp.: 250
Platform temp.: 100
Retraction speed: 36
Retraction distance: 0.8
Support Density: 4.00 mm
Gap XY: 0.31

Do you know how to eliminate these scars from top surface?