I madea print of amodelwith a large surfacewith Z-Pure BlackABSbut whenIremovedthe raftofsupporton the modelwereseveralwhite spots (large white area)... how can Idelete/remove them?I triedwith a lighterbutremained...
For large parts I just run a hot-air gun quickly over it.
But for the smaller or thinner parts I learned the hard way that heat is an enemy. ABS warps like crazy when you apply heat to a thin section of a part. If anyone knows of a way to remove the white spots without heat I'm all ears! (Acetone changes the surface finish, so i don't think that would work for me)
Hot air gun with decreased temperature 200-240C just wait until real temperature is reached and heater in hot air gun is stable because first 1-2 minutes it can blowing over 300C.
Ok, seems logical, but the stress on the print is probably also dependant on the size of the used media and the fill level, maybe adding water might also help…
The potential problem I see with the vibrator is the ability to process larger objects, or am I wrong here?
Rotary tumbler not good for delicate/soft materials, small parts, for solid - ok.
Remember, contents spin all the time and can to destroy. Vibrator only shake extremely frequently.
Hi everyone, i'm pretty new to Zortrax i just bought it literally a few days ago, i have lots of pla experience with my ultimaker 2 but i m noobie with abs and how to cover up those white spots. In the handbook it's written that i can use lighter but i never end it up with a good result. After reading all the comments i would like to try hot air gun or dremel versa tip. I can imagine how i can use heat gun but i have no clue. If there is anyone who tried both option, can you please share your opinion about both methods and also give a clue about how to treat white spots with dremel. Thank you in advance.