Incoherent support material


I have an issue with support,

I would like print this part :

it's a test part to show my problem


support issue 4.JPG


support issue 1.JPG


support issue 2.JPG


support issue 3.JPG

zortrax software calculate support only for two "holes" why not for the three ??

anyway the picture speake for me

I tried Zsuite and it put support on all three holes with support lite 20.

I did one thing extra besides rotating 90 on the X, I rotated 90 on the Z.  Try that and see what happens

Good luck 

Had only two holes. Test "advanced settings, reset settings" then try it again. Then i had support at all three holes.


Hello, thanks for Help,

ok it works for essai.stl

I have the same issue with an other .stl

Please could you try?
