Is Inventure still supported?

I saw that new version of Z-Suite 3.5.0 doesn’t support Inventure printer.
Do you plan to support Inventure in next version of Z-Suite? Is this printer still supported or become ‘legacy device’?

Hi @quadi

Inventure is currently supported by the 2.32.0 version of Z-Suite, which you can download here. Just remember to install it in other location, if you don’t want to overwrite you currently existing instance of Z-Suite.
We are working on a comprehensive software support for our legacy devices, thank you for your patience.

Because availability of build trays will end sooner or later, do you have a plan to solve it somehow i.e. add possibility to print on glass like in M200+ and M300+?
Would be good to have automatic bed leveling based on detection of current increase at Z-axis motor when extruder nozzle touches the bed and blocks z-axis movement, but the manual bed leveling is also ok.