Last firmware update 1.03

V4 M200 printer :


I installed this morning the very recent 1.03 release : big problem !!!

The screen button is no longer operational !!!

Unable to work !!!

Back to the v1,02 : everything is in order

This went bad as the button bouncing was enhanced after firmware 0.0.5.

A weak button is very sensitive to this, going back with the firmware version (0.0.5 and older works best regarding to this) brings the button back to live.

Thats interesting, its first feedback that concerns that kind of issue. We've tested it on 30+ printers, it could be your LCD.  

Remember : I do not see any files (files that start with numbers) that are on the SD card, and sometimes I see them appear twice on the LCD !

Is my lcd damaged?

Update firmware this morning and work well (except button debounce, must not be too quick with it)

Seeing that Zortrax add material consumption on display when a job is selected to start 

(M200 Hardware V4)

My 50 cent

Working fine for me, seems more reliable at reading the file list on the SD card.

Remember : I do not see any files (files that start with numbers) that are on the SD card, and sometimes I see them appear twice on the LCD !

Is my lcd damaged?

try updating it once more and make sure that after downloading ZIP from our site, you unpack it using 7-zip.

Everything is in order.

I downloaded the firmware again. I copied the v1,03 on another SD card.

It works fine now !