Lower fan shroud diferences

Why lower fan shroud that comes by default on zortrax is diferent than the one of z library?

Comparing both models, i suposed that the left part of lower fan of my zortrax is a fault print, but looking other user printers i see that all are the same "issue"...

Is the model of z library out of date?

First one of the photo is the model of z library, ant the other one is the default model that comes with printer.


Could you mark on the photo exactly what you are referring to?

Could you mark on the photo exactly what you are referring to?

off course  ;)

Both are identical except that in the first picture the fan shroud is in a perfect shape and in the second it's badly deformed due to bad usage in my opinion.

Both are identical except that in the first picture the fan shroud is in a perfect shape and in the second it's badly deformed due to bad usage in my opinion.

bad usage?

My printer is new, and it come whit this "deformed" shape.

Furthermore, the fan shroud of the image is not of my printer, but have same shape.

pretty weird...this deformation indicates either a contact to the hot aluminum block or it is warped while printed from factory...I wonder how zortrax staff let it pass to the market...I suggest you to print a new one from the library and replace the defected one as there might be problems with the airflow.

Looks like a bad print.

Both are printed, the one on the right looks kinda warped or melted. Try printing new one from library.

Both are printed, the one on the right looks kinda warped or melted. Try printing new one from library.

Printed  B)

this one looks like the photo of the one from library.

May be the one that comes with printer warped o melted while cleaning the nozzle with acetone on Quality tests before send the printer to customer?