M200 Plus: Using the maximum build area.

Assuming that the effective printing area (20 x 20 cm) is symmetrically placed inside the build plate (24 x 24), which coincides with being symmetrical around the center contact pad, i measured that the edge of the cooling plate in the print head would come as close as 1 cm near the cover plate at the back of the printer.

So if in the M200 Plus printer, the heat-protective sleeves on the wires of the heating element stick more than 1 cm to the back (as was the case in mine: 1.5 cm), they may become trapped behind the edges in the back plate and cause serious damage to the heater element wiring.
I bent (put a kink in) the sleeves so that they are now only protruding 0.5 cm from the edge of the cooling plate.
Did not want to try out to confirm the collision theory.

After having printed a model which is 194 mm wide, i gained some insight and some guidelines for myself.

- If the raft exceeds the building volume, Z-Suite silently truncates it.

  • Since the raft needs approx 9.5 mm from the edges of the model, the “responsible” build area at the bottom of the model is 181 x 181 mm. Supports should be considered as part of the model here.

  • The origin head position is where both end-stop (X,Y) switches are active (and where the head moves to initially). The  printing area (20x20 cm) is measured from that position without further translation by firmware (v1.0.2). This means e.g. that when printing at the utmost left (and front), the end-stop switches will be activated numerous times. It does not influence the printing, but the clicks are clearly noticable. To avoid the clicking i will assume model size (including supports) maximum 180 x 180 mm at the bottom. The model can go to 200 x 200 upwards (slightly less to avoid end-stop clicks).

  • heat protecting sleeves on heater element should still be kept within 1 cm from the edge of the cooling plate.


After having printed a model which is 194 mm wide, i gained some insight and some guidelines for myself.

- If the raft exceeds the building volume, Z-Suite silently truncates it.

  • Since the raft needs approx 9.5 mm from the edges of the model, the “responsible” build area at the bottom of the model is 181 x 181 mm. Supports should be considered as part of the model here.

  • The origin head position is where both end-stop (X,Y) switches are active (and where the head moves to initially). The  printing area (20x20 cm) is measured from that position without further translation by firmware (v1.0.2). This means e.g. that when printing at the utmost left (and front), the end-stop switches will be activated numerous times. It does not influence the printing, but the clicks are clearly noticable. To avoid the clicking i will assume model size (including supports) maximum 180 x 180 mm at the bottom. The model can go to 200 x 200 upwards (slightly less to avoid end-stop clicks).

  • heat protecting sleeves on heater element should still be kept within 1 cm from the edge of the cooling plate.


Thanks for the detailed research.

I don't think there is any potential risk of damaging the wiring, but thanks for vigilance. 

In case of any doubts, please contact me via PM.