M200 X Axis 10mm Shift

M200 X Axis 10mm Shift
Hi, my M200 has been getting halfway through a print and failing (spaghetti everywhere).
I have noticed the print shifts approximately by about 10mm in the X axis and then obviously fails.

Jumping to conclusions I have ordered a new stepper motor, but could it be anything else ?

Yes it could be something else.
In my experience it happened 1 time that problem and it was due to the extruder get stuck (hard to move) in some points, expecially corners.
Turn off the printer and move manually the extruder everywhere, you don’t have to feel hard points, it should move free everywhere.
If not, clean axis from old grease and lube them again.


Hi Roby
I will give that a go before I change the motor and I will let you know how I go.


Hey there! Make sure that your printer’s axes are properly maintained: Axes Maintenance in Zortrax M200 3D Printer | Zortrax Support Center. Shifting can appear when axes are not greased, so you should start with that. Besides, if it’s one model that shifts, upload it again to SD card and see if the issue persists.

Thank You Marta


I find this occasionally and fix was to dis assemble the stepper motor and clean out plastic debris.
The core was coated with some sort of potting compound then machined. I found the edges of this compound dry out and crack off and can jam in the rotor/stator gap.
In one motor I found a small piece of black plastic that I could not see a source for other than in manufacture.
You may need a strong and secure puller for the belt pulley as it is superglued on - a very solid puller should not damage the soft aluminium pulley.
This was my fix and has worked for many motors that show the same issue.