M200Plus and Firmware 2.7.1?

The Beta 4 Z-Suite insists that the printer firmware be up to date, but my M200Plus which is at 2.6.15 thinks it’s up to date.

Firmware - Zortrax says the latest firmware is 2.7.1

Of course, the 2.6.15 has a build date of 12/03/2024 which is approximately the build date I’d expect from 2.7.1

I’ve tried online and USB updates, to no avail.

Am I doing something wrong?

No, the printer is right, your current firmware is the recommend one by zortrax. If you wish to update you will have to do it manually. Download the image from zortrax, upload it to your usb, then go to the menu to check for updates. It will instantly ask you to update.

Maybe it should, but it doesn’t.
I downloaded:
which has an MD5 of:
ed55b7e3d41890ee6ceacbe8662b980b Firmware-2.7.1-M200_Plus.zip
I unzipped it to update.zar2 which has an MD5 of
23daf06778d4f34d2acd1be5ffb2b2bd update.zar2
I put update.zar2 on the root of an empty 4G USB thumb drive formatted for FAT32 and inserted it in the printer, and power-cycled the printer
The ‘About’ menu ‘check for updates’ still thinks I’m up to date.

Clearly I’m still doing something wrong, but what?

You are doing nothing wrong, there is an issue with zip files on new version of macOS systems. The unpacked file seems to be corrupted somehow.

I suggest unpacking that file on Windows or Linux machine and then putting it on USB stick for update.

Tried it on a Linux box, same md5sum on the update.zar2 file, same result, still thinks it’s up to date at 2.6.15 with a build date of 12/03/2024 which makes no sense given the release dates at

Are we sure this firmware above is compatible with Hardware version 2 and Bootloader V1 ???

I know it’s seeing the USB stick, because it adds an empty LOST.DIR directory when I plug it in.

I’ve tried plugging it in before or after powering it up, to no avail.

Anything else I might be doing wrong?

Tried it on a Windows10 machine, tried formatting the drive as FAT instead of FAT32, same MD5, same LOST.DIR, same “You are up to date with a firmware release date that doesn’t make any sense”.


Got it sorted, in case this helps anyone else:

On a Linux machine (Raspberry Pi 5, Raspian/Debian 12.9):
[NOTE! In my case the USB thumb drive was /dev/sda, don’t do this on a machine for which this isn’t true!]

shred -f -n0 -v -z /dev/sda
mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda1
fdisk /dev/sda
<follow fdisk instructions from How to create FAT32 USB drive on Linux – Redips spideR Net >
mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/scratch/
cp update.zar2 /mnt/scratch
umount /mnt/scratch/

Now I have only one partition, FAT32 with just that one file on it, and that worked for installing the 2.7.1 firmware. There’s probably a way to zero the drive and generate a single FAT32 partition on macOS or Windows, but I’ll et someone else figure that out.