M300 Dual connection incloud problem

I have been trying for some time to connect my M300 Dual to the zortrax incloud. I follow to the letter the manual provided by Zortrax concerning the connection.

I register on the incloud website, I fill in the form, and they give me a number that I have to enter in the machine. So far, so good.

Then, when I want to test and I click on Incloud in the printer, the machine marks me on the screen: impossible connection with the server.

However, the machine is connected to the network, and I have always managed to transfer my print files through the network. So it works.

But now, with the new version of Z-suite, I have to use Incloud to transfer my files, so I can’t do it.

Has anyone had this problem?

Thank you all for your answers.

Hello Cyprien,

does the problem occur only while sending the file via Z-SUITE? Does the same thing happen when you do so through the inCloud directly? We would like to make sure if the issue occurs with Z-SUITE only.

Just to make sure - is the newest firmware version (2.5.9) installed?

Best regards,