M300 plus printing trouble

Subject: M300 Plus Print Issue - Open top box printing as closed
Dear technical support,
I am writing to report an issue I am having with my M300 Plus printer.
I am trying to print a simple model that is 180mm wide, 210mm long, and 50mm high. The walls are 4mm thick, and the top is open (no top surface). In the preview, the model clearly shows as an open box, but when I start the print, the result is a fully enclosed box.
I have tried reducing the wall thickness and infill percentage, but the issue persists. The only workaround I have found is to rotate the model slightly on the Y axis. However, this is not a viable solution for my project.
I have attached a screenshot of the model in the preview and the printed result.
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
this happen Both stable and beta versions

Fabrizio Beccatti

Hi @fabrizio

Has this happened on the latest release of Z-Suite, the 3.5.0 version?
Could you provide the screenshots of the model, and preview?

Hi Damian,
in attach the 3 screen shoot
preview where il possible see the the support generate automatically
preview where is possible see the top

The release of z-suite is also happen with the beta release
