Mac OS X Z-Suite Hotkeys

Am I missing something or are there no working hotkeys in the Mac version of Z-suite. I just updated to 1.3.1 and still don't seems to have any. I've tried Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c and the normal Mac translation of Cmd-a and Cmd-c for example and I just get beep for an invalid keypress.

Is there a secret or are these functions not implemented in the Mac version?

Working on mine. Maybe the window isn't on focus mouse focus, just a thought.

Everything else works ... not a focus issue but none of the regular hotkeys work. Are you using the same keys as Windows (Ctrl modifier) or the typical OS X variant i.e. Command key as modifier?

Everything else works ... not a focus issue but none of the regular hotkeys work. Are you using the same keys as Windows (Ctrl modifier) or the typical OS X variant i.e. Command key as modifier?

Just checked again. I'm typing ⌘A and ⌘C.

MacOs Z-Suite 1.3.1