Missing Part of STL Model in Z-Suite Preview

I’m encountering an issue while converting an STL file to a zcode file using Z-Suite, and I’d like to ask for your help.

I created a CAD file, converted it to STL, and imported it into Z-Suite. After applying the settings and checking the preview, I noticed that part of the model was missing. I proceeded to print the file, and the missing part was also absent in the printed output.
Please refer to the two attached images for clarification:

This shows the initial state after importing the STL file into Z-Suite. The model appears normal.

After applying the preview, the part marked with the red box is missing.

I’m unsure whether this issue is related to the STL file, the settings in Z-Suite, or something else entirely.
If anyone knows how to resolve this issue or identify its cause, I’d greatly appreciate your assistance.
Thank you!

Which version of Z-Suite is this? Also, have you tried to import it without repair?

The version I’m using is Also, I tried importing the model using “import without repairing,” but the issue persists.

Is there any particular reason why you are using 2.32? M200 Plus is still supported in the later releases.

You might want to give 3.6.0 or the latest beta a shot. If you want to keep the 2.32, you can install the newer version in another location.

Thank you for your suggestion
I tried using version 3.6.0 and checked the preview, but the issue still persists.

Since the issue occurred, I’ve made some modifications to the model due to certain circumstances, but I did not modify the problematic part.

Here’s my STL file for reference:
damper.STL (4.9 MB)