Is it possible for the cooling fan under the motherboard, being faulty, can prevent the printer from powering up?
After performing maintenance on my M300 (not Plus or Dual) and then powered it up. All was OK. I I then powered it down.
I later attempted to switch it on to print a part but it would not power up.
Later I unplugged the mains power cable, removed the bottom panel, then unplugged one of the connectors to the motherboard. I then plugged the mains power and switch on the printer. It powered up. I powered it down, unplugged the mains power, plugged the connector back onto the motherboard, plugged the main power, then switched the printer on. It powered up.
I then placed back the bottom panel. I noticed the cable from the cooling fan was unplugged. I connect the fan, then completed the assembly of the bottom panel.
I raised the printer back to its upright position. Plugged the mains power then switch the printer on except it did not power up.
Given that the printer is very heavy I going to wait another day to place it on its side to test if it’s the fan that’s causing the problem.
Or, could it be something else causing the problem?
Hi, Check if there is a short circuit in the power supply system. Preferably using a multimeter. All switching power supplies have short-circuit protection. Check whether the power supply starts and whether the LED on it is lit.
I’m not an electronic engineer so the only thing I can do is remove the power supply and take it to work with me. One of the technicians there can check it for me.
I did remove the motherboard so I can have the power connector replaced. See images.
I’ve contacted Zortrax support to ask if there are replacement boards available, just in case mine no longer works.
Yes. I’m going to have both connectors replaced, the one on the board and the matting connector, which I’ve already removed from the cable. I’m sure I can find replacement connectors on R/S or Farnell.
Should the power supply light up, when switching the main power on, even if it is not plugged to the motherboard?
In general, the power supply should provide 12/24 V whenever it has 230/115 V input. Additionally, keep in mind that components like the motherboard and GUI are sensitive to voltage spikes. Now, the issue is to check what is damaged on your side. Remember that the fuse before the power supply is a fuse type, so its selectivity and inertia are significant.
Thank you for your suggestion, but to be honest I don’t fully understand what you mean. I’m a mechanical engineer not an electronic engineer. Though my colleagues at work will understand what you mean and should understand your comments.
Thanks again!
It is necessary to verify whether the PCB boards are fine, as there could have been a voltage spike on them. This phenomenon could cause damage. It is worth checking the Zortrax PCB to find any damaged parts. If you have any further questions, feel free to write on this forum. Remember to record what your electricians have said. The more feedback you provide, the better. Let me know if the causes have been resolved.
No visible damage to the board, other than the power connectors. I’ve order replacement connectors. I’ll see if this works. If the board is fried, then I’ll have to buy one from Zortrax. I messaged support and was told they have a board for the M300 Classic. A bit pricey though.
The power surge could have burned your motherboard. So, you probably need to replace the motherboard. The price is due to the fact that our parts are original and fully compatible with our devices. Best regards.