since we had to create new profiles for the new website, would like to know if there is any possibility to port our customer information (former purchases of printer and filamemts) into our new profiles?
This should be especially necessary to be able to receive the “owner” special price for filaments.
What do you mean Andreas? If you want receive the owner price just put your serial number. Anyway, there is only one, lower price Z-ABS and Z-ULTRAT at the moment. If you really need shipping history just ask me on pm, I will send you all pdfs.
I just thought that if there is an button / option to access your order history on the website it would be a good thing if this would actually display your order history. In my case it is not working, probably due to the fact that I had to create a new profile.
If I´understand you right, there is no difference anymore between "owners" and "non owners" concerning the filament price? I thought I remember that this used to be the case, but anyway.
I think it there might be another reason to port the information, because this way you and the customer have a central place where all kinds of information (printer hardware version, bought filament type / batch and so on is stored and accessible for both sides.