PLA filament and the M200 (without Z-Temp, of course)

I've a problem. I need to print a big box (18x18x8 cm) and i need ABSOLUTELY no warping and it's impossible to do with Z-ABS and other. It's too big, simple.

So i'm thinking to print it using ... PLA.

One my friend send me 2 sample of real filament pla 1.75 and i did two test.

The yellow is printed at 0.14 using the Z-Glass profile, the green part using the Z-Hips profile.

It seem to work not very fine but suffient for my purpose.

Now the question is ... for one print (very long, about 18 hours) i risk to damage in some way my zortrax using this pla only this time ?

Thank u !

It may clog your Hotend  :o  

Damn it I suspected that :(

How i can resolve ?

Is zortrax team thinking to a pla filament and profile for absolutely warping free filaments ?

It may clog your Hotend  :o  

yes, use a different nozzle for printing PLA

Damn it I suspected that :(

How i can resolve ?

Is zortrax team thinking to a pla filament and profile for absolutely warping free filaments ?

Correct me if I'm wrong but Julia Truchsess prints with PLA on a regular basis. Julia.....any tips or hints for mc0676 on printing with PLA in his M200?

On a personal note, I've done extensive printing of PLA with the old MakerBot Replicator 2 (w/o a heated bed) and I always had issues with PLA warping on large models.

I make a point of never advertising here, but if mc0676 wants to send me a PM or email, I'll be happy to point him to some lovely products that may help.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Julia Truchsess prints with PLA on a regular basis. Julia.....any tips or hints for mc0676 on printing with PLA in his M200?

On a personal note, I've done extensive printing of PLA with the old MakerBot Replicator 2 (w/o a heated bed) and I always had issues with PLA warping on large models.

Hai David,

since with my old prusa r2 evo a printed a lot of large models (es. 28x18x8 cm or 24x14x10) using PLA and i never has warping issue with it.

Hai David,

since with my old prusa r2 evo a printed a lot of large models (es. 28x18x8 cm or 24x14x10) using PLA and i never has warping issue with it.

I'm not sure what the difference was between our setups or perhaps the quality of PLA but I couldn't print large pieces without issues or lifting from the build plate on my MakerBot (both on glass w/hairspray and plexy with masking tape). And if I did by chance get it too stick it was next to impossible to get it to release when I was done. Makes me appreciate my m200s that much more!