I have problem printing with Z-ABS 2. The biggest issue is what you see in picture 1. It starts rather ok but after a while the new layers does not attach to the previous and it is just a nest of filament.
I have tried several times with different settings (layer hight, infill and quality) but used the deafults for Z-ABS 2 in Z-Suite. The material is new and was opened just before starting to print.
First I thouhgt it was temperature problem as I only had like 16 degree Celsius where the printer is located. Then I made a box for it and hade about 30 degrees and still the same problem. The third test was in 25 degree Celsius and still the same problem . The pictures are after this third attempt.
I have side covers on my printer. I have printed with normal Z-ABS previously with no problem but right now I have only Z-ABS 2 at home and several packages as I got a nice price and I thougt it was as good as, or better, then Z-ABS.
Someone having any suggestions what to do, or what I do wrong?
indeed, warping most often occurs because the ambient temperature is too low. You will find more tips how to avoid warping in the manual. However, in this case the raft seems to be firmly attached to the platform, the model itself does not adhere to the raft. Could you attach a .zcode file? I would like to have a look. I would also suggest tweaking the first layer gap which is the distance between the raft and the first layer of the model. Once you decrease it (you can start with reducing it by 0.05-0.10 mm first) - the model should better adhere to the raft. Print some simple model (such as a calibration cube) to test this setting first.
Hi Karolina,
I attached the zcode file for the last attempt. I have printed more than 2000 hours and probably 3/4 of that whit Z-ABS with very few problems and this without changing advanced settings. This is the reason why one wonder if the default settings for M200 and Z-ABS 2 are correct.
I shall test your suggestion with tweaking the first layer.
thank you for your reply. We had been thoroughly testing Z-ABS 2 profile prior to release, hence I would not suspect these settings could cause issues.
You mentioned you had printed more than 2000 hours - when was the last time you replaced the hotend or heater&thermocouple? Their approximate lifespan is 350/400 hours, so if any of them is worn-out - this could affect the problem.
Most of the printing was made on an other M200 in a previous employment. Worked fine after more then 2000 print hours. Now I have my own M200 with less then 300 print hours on it. I have printed Z-ultrat, z-petg and z-abs with good results on it.
Since your device has worked for less than 300 hours - the nozzle and/or hotend might still require replacement, especially that you used to print with Z-PETG which is a dense material and tends to clog the nozzle/hotend faster.
Now I have good resluts with Z-ABS 2.
I switched both the nozzle, hotend plus heater and thermocoupler as I had those in my spare part box. But actually I think it was the Z-Axis Coupler that was the problem. I have had som noise from the Z-axis but not read the troubleshoting guide. The first test after switching Nozzle etc it broke down completle and after replacing the Coupler it prints as it should again.