Dear users,
We invite you to place orders for the following parts and machines. We recommend that you check Zortrax products’ availability at your local Zortrax Reseller’s (, as we supply their stocks first.
- M300 Dual 3D printer + HEPA Cover
- HEPA Covers (M200/M300)
- HEPA Cover Filter Set
- Hotend Module for M300 Dual/Inventure
- Hotend v2
- Nozzle Set 0.4
- Nozzle Set 0.3 and 0.6
- LCD Screen Set for Inkspire
- Resin Basic Grey
We are aware of the fact that shortages of our products have recently been an issue. We are doing everything to make all the parts and materials available as soon as possible.
Due to the high demand for these products, we encourage you to place orders, as the sooner you make the payment, the sooner we will be able to dispatch your order. If there is no Zortrax Reseller in your area, visit Zortrax Online Store.
Thank you for your understanding.