read - not read messages whith iphone and Mac

Hey guys,

I have an issue:

When I go on the firm from my MacBook, I read all the messages, everything is OK.

But, then, if I go on my iphone and check the forum, all messages I have read are back as “new posts”, as if I didn’t read them…

Nizzy, is there anything you could do about it ?

Or if anyone knows, I’d be happy.


That seems to happen between my phone and PC too… but sometimes I’m on both at the same time so it may get confused. :slight_smile:

I don’t know how it worked but on my forum, at the beginning, we didn’t have this issue. Strange… Maybe something related to IP address or something.

I will check it in few hours and I will let you know what problem is, pilou.

Thank you nizzy. :slight_smile: