I've got some trouble printing parts: a lot of oozing (and stringing) with Z-Ultra material.
I've changed extruder PCB, heater and thermocouple, hotend, cleaned the nozzle... and I've seen that the filament is coming out from the nozzle, about 1mm) between the two printed parts.
This piece of filament is hitting the reached part and generate the oozing/stringing.
Yes I used the correct material profile (and also has been changed electronics part).
Last days I made some print with Z-Hips and have no oozing/stringing problem (and have some under extrusion :P ) So I'm really thinking about thermal measurement problem (but PCB and thermocouple are new) or profile temperature in last Z-Suite not correct.
I'm planning to add a Z-Temp to correct these problems.
I noticed that I could insert the 0.4mm needle (this contained into the Zortrax Starter Kit) into the two nozzle I have. The 0.35 mm is OK. Maybe nozzle's hole are too small?