Robotic Wasp

Hi all,

two weeks ago I had some time to recover from an oral surgery. And I printed something different from what I normally use my 2 M200´s for. I had this in mind for quite some time. I found very nice data of a robotic Wasp, designed by Josip Jakubiv:!collection?name=WASP+Robot&collection_id=397

It took me two days to print, paint and assemble the wasp.The size is about 150mm in length. I used yellow Z-ABS and partly colored the print using "Revell" color. Some parts are made from 0.8mm stainless steel. It now sits in my office and helps me promoting 3D-printing. We also run an M200 at work now and it prints nearly without any pauses.


Looks great!

Really great job, love those colors and thank you for the link (download)!