I've got my newest M200 overheating badly, seems to just take off to over 300 (tried 2 different z temp units, both read same). It does it without a z temp fitted as well.
When I left it to see if it would settle it smoked up and burnt filament and smoke was popping from the tip of the nozzle.
I did get one code "check extruder cable" and another time it shut down and showed a "contact service center" or something like that on the display when it touched down on the perfboard contact pad during start of a print.
So far I've changed both the entire hot end and the little extruder PCB with brand new parts.
Hot end (with new sensor and heater) made no difference. It worked a couple of times with the new PCB then started doing it again.
I guess I'm down to a new ribbon cable or mother board?
Anyone had this happen or have any suggestions?
I would always start with the ribbon cable, that seems to be the root cause for most extruder related issues.
I would always start with the ribbon cable, that seems to be the root cause for most extruder related issues.
Yep, spoke to our Aussie distributor today and he seemed to think that was a good place to start.
He also offered to cover the part on warranty if that was the case, which was reassuring.
Yep, spoke to our Aussie distributor today and he seemed to think that was a good place to start.
He also offered to cover the part on warranty if that was the case, which was reassuring.
For the most part resellers try to cover that part because of its ability to break at the blink-of-an-eye.
Thanks for letting us know.
Weren't these kind of issues supposed to beĀ eliminated with V2 ribbons? AreĀ V2 ribbons better than V1 at all?
Weren't these kind of issues supposed to be eliminated with V2 ribbons? Are V2 ribbons better than V1 at all?
This one was on a new machine and went "out to lunch" within about a month
Bloody things done it again!!
With a brand new ribbon cable, I ran one test print and it all went fine.
Put it back on my bench and started printing the days work.
Turned around after loading another machine and there it was, smoking and bubbling.
Thing was I hadn't initiated a print, just switched it on and off it went. Turned it off and on again and it ran straight to overheating without me loading a print.
Of course I'll go through support now, but is there an issue with the last series of ribbon cables?
You out there Marcin? Any suggestions what I'm looking for?
It's my second newest machine (I bought the special with all the filament, but havent used that one yet) and hasn't done a lot of work at all.
I would try to downgrade the firmware to V008 or even V005. I had a problem with "unexpected extruder temperature drop" error and official support response was to replace a bunch of hardware components. I downgraded the firmware and everything works fine for now.
have you checked if there is no issues with the thermistor or its connector to the small pcb? Is it tightened well in the aluminum block? One of my machines was having bad readings and didnt heated enough so I had to cut the black and red cables from the connector of the thermocouple and weld them again and it worked fine.
have you checked if there is no issues with the thermistor or its connector to the small pcb? Is it tightened well in the aluminum block? One of my machines was having bad readings and didnt heated enough so I had to cut the black and red cables from the connector of the thermocouple and weld them again and it worked fine.
I put a whole new hot end and swapped the pcb as well.
I have 4 machines so I keep some spares handy
Did you get a solution to the problem?