Stiff Hotend Selection Beam?

Hi all,

I installed a new hotend module and the brass filament selector beam seems really stiff. I’m getting feed issues when using the support filament. I tried doing spool only, but the issue persists. When I disassemble the toolhead, there is always crudded up support filament on the extruder gear.

I feel like the beam shouldn’t be so hard to push to the right. I did notice the beam itself slightly rotates around the y-axis when in the support filament position. See attached pictures comparing the two selector positions.

No issues with model filament extrusion - only support filament.

Also, everything is fully seated, so no misalignment.

I need to get this printer up and running yesterday…



Hi Voronica,
I had the same problem with the support filament. In my case, the cause was a wet filament. Now I make sure the filament is dry. I store it in airtight bags. If I don’t use it for a few weeks, I bake it in the oven. I always take it out of the printer after printing. Now I can tell if the filament is suitable for printing or needs to be baked just by touching it. It works for me.

That’s interesting! Everything looks mechanically good, so I was v confused. Then I saw another post about the premium filament. I even saw someone say they had to dry new cartridges, and mine is a brand new cartridge.

I’ve had mine sitting in the filament dryer for 8 hours. Excited to see the outcome.

Thanks for replying!

Can you describe what the wet vs. dry filaments feel like to the touch?

Dry filament is harder and stiffer. Wet filament is softer, you can feel it by pressing it with your fingernail.

Oh, this stuff is still super wet, then. And have had it in the filament dryer for 11 hours! I will try to dry it more. It worked so well for a few days, then just started gluing up the inside of my printer.

Limonene-soluble support filament looking pretty attractive rn.

I’ve now dried my premium support filament for at least 20 hours. I still hear the clicking of the motor as it fails to catch the support filament. :frowning:

What would be a good next step diagnostic.

I have a brand new hotend assembly installed. The gear teeth aren’t damaged. Everything is well aligned and the encoder wheels spin well.

Hi Voronica,
Sorry to hear you still can’t print. What I can suggest is to try replacing the Z-Support with Z-PLA to test the extruder. The support hotend can handle most filaments and not just Z-Support. If there is no extruder knocking then the problem is the quality of the Z-Support filament.