Support : Distance from model

Can you add the option to set the distance of the supports from the model?

Then what should be support your model? Otherwise you can remove the support, if you don’t need!

I know, it’s hard to explain.

if the supports are attached to the surfaces they become difficult to remove because they blend with the model.
If the support is not in direct contact with the object this is easier to remove.

Take a lokk ad Simplify3D.
There is an own option for spacing the support from the model (support offset, and support separation).

You are right.
The support is no longer in direct contact and this could cause slight deformations but the support would be much easier to remove.
The right combination of values ​​should be found.
However if they also added the number of perimeters (outline perimeter shell) you could put an extra perimeter and with a scratch it solves.

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