the website tells that delivery is taking 4 to 7 days in Europe and after 4 days the order history page is not updated yet and still processing, from the order number you can see that they don't sell thousands per week it looks more like a few per week, so i wonder why it takes so long to send a printer
Congrats to you getting a Zortrax. But it is better to askĀ support@zortrax.comĀ
did so but did not get an updated answer, they are processing my question...
but thanks anyway
I just had the same issue when ordering 2 Nozzles. Been in processing status for the last 8days, tried contacting but no confirmation on whats going on. I know Zortrax uses DHL so maybe there is an issue with them to get the order picked up and shipped out, even so would be nice to atleast get a mail response telling us whats the delay.
@nikolaus, what is your order number?
my order nr. is 636
Thanks, someone from sales deaprtment should contact with you asap.