"Unexpected Error" on Thingverse .STL model

Z-Suite on Windows 10 (x64).

Trying to print on a M200 with default settings, “High” quality, 0.19mm layers, Z-ABS.

The .STL is from Thingverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:14495 ).

Please advise!

I cant reproduce it, but I can see some suspicious lines in model. Try this one to see if it helps. For some reason forum will not allow 3mf files, rename stl to 3mf

sax_rename_filetype_to_3mf.stl (184.9 KB)


This is really strange - the exact same problem I had a few months ago (search on the other “Unexpected Error” thread).

At that time I couldn’t run Z-Suite without that error on my desktop PC, but when I used another PC (next to the printer), it worked OK.

Since then (and partly because of that problem) I’ve upgraded to a new PC.

Now the new PC is doing the same thing! The old one next to the printer still works!

I have no idea what’s going on.