What the heck happened in 2.7.1?

Just tried it, Mac version. Slicer produces and entirely different pattern than 2.7.0. If I believe the preview, it is a single layer shell with sparse fill. The graphic quality of the preview is also way down from 2.7.0. If I load the zcode file from 2.7.0 it appears as it is supposed to. Reslicing the same stl in 2.7.1 it is way different, with the same settings. What's going on?



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I can look on the PC: but what kind of settings?

Standard Z-ABS. 0.14 layer height. 90% (used to be maximum) infill, but the infill setting doesn't seem to change anything till I go to 100% in advanced. 

Problems are material specific. Z-Ultrat slices as I would expect. Z-ABS does not, single skin for walls and infill is wrong. ASA-Pro also wrong. Same settings for each.

Here are some screen shots. First is Z-Ultrat, sliced the way I'd expect and they way it has in the past. Next is Z-ABS. The ONLY difference is to change material from Z-Utrat to Z-ABS. Note also the graphic peculiarities a the left hand edge and elsewhere.


exactly the same problems on the PC

problem with Z-ABS and Z-ASA ; no problem with Z_ULTRAT !

Yep, that's what I'm seeing. I started a bug report over on the bug tracking.

Problems with the Z-ABS profile @.29mm as well......... ;-(

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your vigilance. Actually, it’s not a bug. We’ve changed the way layers are printed for Z-ABS, Z-PCABS and Z-ASA Pro - it improves the regularity of infill (this applies mainly to thin walls). Models should be more durable.

I encourage you to perform some test prints - overall quality has not decreased compared to 2.7.0.


Quality hasn't decreased compared to 2.7.0 BUT is nowhere near the quality achieved with .9.6.0 (from 2014)......

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your vigilance. Actually, it’s not a bug. We’ve changed the way layers are printed for Z-ABS, Z-PCABS and Z-ASA Pro - it improves the regularity of infill (this applies mainly to thin walls). Models should be more durable.

I encourage you to perform some test prints - overall quality has not decreased compared to 2.7.0.


Does it print as it is rendered? with a single layer shell? The infill is not the only thing that changed. If the wall is a single strand of ABS, strength will be compromised. 

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your vigilance. Actually, it’s not a bug. We’ve changed the way layers are printed for Z-ABS, Z-PCABS and Z-ASA Pro - it improves the regularity of infill (this applies mainly to thin walls). Models should be more durable.

I encourage you to perform some test prints - overall quality has not decreased compared to 2.7.0.


OK, I did a test print. The surface quality of the 2.7.1 version is noticeably worse than the 2.7.0 version, with vertical lines apparent on all walls. It is also less stiff and less strong. Please put it back the way it was. 

OK, I did a test print. The surface quality of the 2.7.1 version is noticeably worse than the 2.7.0 version, with vertical lines apparent on all walls. It is also less stiff and less strong. Please put it back the way it was. 

Can you pass me more information via PM? I would like to take a look at the picture of the model, if possible.

I tried a PM but I can't seem to attach pictures to it. Like many surface imperfections, these are hard to capture accurately in a picture, but I've attached my attempt here. Note the vertical lines in all surfaces on the 2.7.1 piece. They look a bit worse to the eye than in the pictures. The lines can be felt with the fingers as well. The piece is not as stiff and breaks easier. 


That's interesting, I've just finished a few test prints and the results are promising. I will continue and I'll keep you updated. Thanks for your commitment!

The problem with Z-ABS seems to not occur at 0.09 mm slices. Anything thicker and it occurs, even at different infill settings. 

We've taken into consideration and checked all of your reports on latest Z-SUITE 2.7.1. We've performed numerous, thorough tests which revealed a couple of bugs that are going to be fixed with the next release. We're doing our best to publish it as soon as possible. We recommend that Zortrax FDM 3D printers' users choose one of previous Z-SUITE versions till the next update. Inkspire users are advised to use Z-SUITE 2.7.1.

PC user here. Primarily Z-ABS M200s..We design and sell parts so strength and finish are a must. On to the new update....First thing we noticed was the raft is now 3 layers thick instead of the regular 2 layers that was suffice in the last update. Not sure of why, as it just adds more time and wasted filament..Our biggest problem with the new update is with the initial first layer as it has been changed the way it is laid down is some fashion. the last version it was pretty decent and acceptable as it could be quickly hit with quick passes of a small torch to uniform the color and the pattern was consistent....Now with the new update the first layer is no where near the quality from the last, it now looks chopped and de-laminated all at the suggested height.

From comparing older saved models slicer settings, the first layer gap has changed from 0.21 to 0.31 which i suspect is from the added raft layer. Changing this parameter does nothing to help with the look of the first initial layer lines as it still is chopped but just much harder if not impossible to remove if the gap is decreased and much worse if the gap is increased.

As for the infill, seems to look great and hold up the same as before. There is a bit less black marks in the white Z-ABS as well which is a good thing and the nozzle does not seem to collect as much with the way the new infill is laid now. Exterior and interior finish is a tad bit better as well, especially around cutouts and holes which is a big plus.

This first layer thing has made us downgrade back to the latest version which is kind of a bummer as the new options and updates seemed promising.

The infill problem is specific to some materials at some layer slice thicknesses. With other material or other slice thicknesses, infill is the same as is 2.7.0. The surface quality problems I saw appeared only when the infill was bad.