WIFI dongle replacement

Is there any option to use 3rd party WiFi dongle?
I lost original one and it’s a real paint to remove usb every time when I need to save zcode file and also cannot do automatic firmware updates.
Many thanks

Hi @BlueBoxGoblin,

yes, of course, you can use a 3rd party Wi-Fi dongle. Actually, any standard one should work fine.

Best regards,

Hi. Thank you for your reply.
I have one, https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07LGSDBTF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but it seem not to be seen.
Do you have any recommendations or maybe I can get a replacement from you?


I am sorry, I did not want to mislead you. I have heard of users who tend to use some third party Wi-Fi dongles.

You can purchase the replacement module in our online store, or by contacting our sales department directly.

Thank you.
I was looking to buy one from your site, but shipping is a killer…
I will try to speak to UK’s retailers to see if they can help.