Z-Suite 2.8.0 failing in the install process, because it would like to install the Visual C++ 2015 redist (14.0.23026 ) but the OS already contain the 14.0.2415 version ( come with the VS 2015 Prof. install).
Do you have any suggestion ? ( except to uninstall the never version of VC++ )
You can uninstall Visual C++ 2015 and install Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable. All 2017 redistributables are in-place update of 2015 version. You dont need any 2015 version on your PC.
Thank for your reply, I dont want to touch my installation (I have to use multiple VS version tougether ). I will wait untill Zortrax change/correct the "setup script" to accept the newer C++ redist.
It is not a big problem, I will put 2.8.0 in VMbox and I will test there. :)